Sethorven Productions  &  Creations

Production, Post Production, and Creative Assistance

10+ Years of experience in content creation, video editing, scripting, voice work, and more.

My Services

Video Editing

Basic EditinG

Best for small, simple videos with fast delivery. Or if you just want lots of footage cut down and organized cleanly.

Includes clean cuts, basic transitions, simple text overlay, and audio leveling.

Note: Background Music placement can be added to Basic Editing as a separate charge.
See ‘My Prices’ for details.

Advanced Editing

Best for larger, more ambitious projects that require more time and effort.

Includes everything in Basic, plus motion graphics, visual effects, animated text, sound design & music placement.

Voice over work

Casual/Small Project Narration


Commercial Narration

Examples in ‘My Portfolio’

My Portfolio

10+ Years of experience in creative content work, running a channel with over 164,000 subscribers and 25 Million views, have given me an expansive skillset in nearly every aspect of video production and post production. Below are some examples of my personal favorite creations.

“I wish I liked this game More than I did”

-A little bit of everything that I do

The original video demonstrates a healthy mix of my skillset in post production visual editing as well as directing, audio-visual music synchronization, voice work, and comedic timing. Particularly some good examples of smooth visual and audio transitioning.

A highlight reel is provided here for convenience!

“This game BROKE me, and I loved it”

-Visual Edits GALORE

While easily my most comedic work, the original video is also (as of now) my best work in terms of visual edits, timing, and showcasing many of the 'intangibles' of production and post production.

A highlight reel is provided here for convenience!

“The day the world GOT GUD”

-Atmosphere, Storytelling, and my love for it all

While overall lighter on visual edits, the original video demonstrates my love for atmospheric sound design, setting a proper mood, choosing the perfect music for emotional impact, as well as ensuring a smooth flow from comedic to serious tones.
And even some advertisement creation for good measure!

And while this 'demo reel' of the video looks very long, that's entirely because at 05:55, and for the rest of the reel, I deliver a very grim toned monologue that, even if visually simple, I am proud of for my delivery, music choice, and voice work.

My Prices

Long Term Client Discount: Long term clients (contracted for consistent work for 6+ months) will get a 15% discount on all pricing for all services.

Video Editing

Post Production is a complicated and lengthy process with all manner of variables, so prices may change from project to project.

Below is an idea of what you can expect as a baseline.

Basic EditinG


Non-Commercial: $350 per 5 finished minutes, additional $50 for every minute over 10.

Commercial: $700 per 5 finished minutes, additional $100 for every minute over 10.

Clean cuts, basic transitions, simple text overlay, and audio leveling.

Typical delivery time:
2-3 Business Days

Rush Order: Anything needed in less than 48 hours will add 30% to the total price

Background Music: Background Music can be added as a flat $50 extra charge per project.

Hourly Rates are available if needed: Non-Commercial: $35/hr

Commercial: $70/hr

Advanced Editing


Non-Commercial: $750 per 5 finished minutes, additional $75 for every minute over 10.

Commercial: $1500 per 5 minutes, additional $150 for every minute over 10.

Includes everything in Basic, plus motion graphics, visual effects, animated text, sound effects & background music.

Typical delivery time:
2-4 Business Weeks

(Includes 1 free revision, any additional revisions cost $50 per)

Hourly Rates are available if needed: Non-Commercial: $75/hr

Commercial: $150/hr

Voice work

Non-Commercial Narration: $40 per minute of finished narration

Commercial Narration: $200 per minute of finished narration

Contact Me

Interested in working together? Just fill out the form here and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible! Looking forward to working with you.